What draws apart the awareness that we have of our own body compared to the awareness that we have of other objects.? One may say that we feel it from the inside and that we have direct control over it, but this description remains relatively cold, so to speak. It neglects a fundamental fact about our subjective bodily life, namely that the body we consciously experience is too often the body that feels uncomfortable or even painful. In brief, we are not like pilots of a ship because a pilot can survive without a ship whereas our body seems to us irreplaceable and everything that happens to it directly matters to us. Discussions on the complex relation between bodily agency and bodily awareness generally focus on proprioception and on instrumental agency (as in grasping or pointing movements). However, one should not neglect another kind of bodily agency, which I call protective agency. By focusing on protective agency, we will be able to consider another major role played by bodily awareness for action, a motivational role.